Saturday, October 8, 2011

Drive......without driving people MAD

Today being the first day of Navratri Festival, we had gone to buy a 'Garbo'. We just returned by auto. As my husband was paying auto fare, a scooter came stumbling towards him.....without the rider!! A guest who had come home had parked his Activa on the slope in such a way that had the autowala not rushed to stop it, it would have caused a serious accident.

People have started using personal transport extensively, because public transport cannot be relied upon each time, people have learnt to ride, to drive, BUT unfortunately they have not learnt to PARK.

The other day, a guest had come to our place by his car, which he parked outside our home on the public the MIDDLE of the road, blocking the whole road. Many of my son's friends started riding/driving while they were still in school (before they had attained legal age for driving)and whenever they came to meet my son, they would park their vehicle right in front of the gate......blocking the entire entry to the house.

While parents should not allow their children to drive before they reach the legal age and obtain a proper license, it is also important that they teach their children to drive safely, and to teach them to make sure that they cause least inconvenience to other people. That they learn to drive a vehicle, and not drive people mad with their ability, or lack of it, to drive a vehicle!!

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